Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Joints

Joints are where two bones meet. They let legs, arms and other parts of the body bend and twist.
The K2 have learned the names of five joints;
  • neck joint
  • shoulder joint
  • elbow joint
  • wrist joint
  • knee joint

Items needed...

On the left: The samples...

Cutting session...

Alhamdulillah we're done!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Muscles

There are many muscles in the body. They are formed beneath the skin.
Muscles are like rubber bands. They pull hard on the bones so that we can move and do work.
Muscles are also found in some organs like the heart and the stomach.

Below are pictures of K2 kids making use of their bones, joint and muscles to move or do work.



Picking up things...


Carrying boxes...


Monday, 25 February 2013

Friday, 22 February 2013


Week 8 Arts and Crafts theme is DINOSAURS! We made the dinosaurs out from paper plates! :)

The making of... From P1:)


The making of from P2 :-)

P2 Dinosaur Family ^_^

And these are from my dear K2 :)

The Skin

The Skin on our hands gives us the sense of touch. When we touch something, we can feel whether it is smooth or rough and hard or soft. Take a look at photos below of how the K2 did their 'Sense of Touch' experiment last time.

All the experiment stuff were ready!

Shasha's turn to feel and guess the thing.. Looked like she got a sandal!

Jasmine was trying to get something.. Mus'ab was identifying what he got!

Haha look! We had Joel in class :-) He wanted to try too!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Bones

~ Skeleton Dance Song ~

Alhamdulillah the K2 have learnt topic Bones recently. We came up with a project of making 'The Cotton Buds Skeleton'! The names of bones taught were the five basic ones; skull, neck bone, arm bone, rib cage and leg bone.

Bones are hard. There are 206 bones in our body. They form the skeleton.
Bones support us so we can stand. They protect our soft organs inside.

Ok, here are some fun facts about SKELETON!
When some people think of skeletons, they think of Halloween or some mad scientist's display in a laboratory. But we all have a skeleton. It is what gives our bodies shape and form. Without a skeleton, we would be a heap of skin and muscles.
The skeleton is made of a series of bones. The key feature of all animals with bones is that they have a set of bones known as the vertebrates which travel along the spine. In fact, animals with bones are called vertebrates and animals without these bones are called invertebrates.

Shasha was scared of something 'surprise' in the food container that I brought from home.

It was actually fish bones! Nothing to scare off ;) [this is for the topic introduction]

Items needed for the project :)

"Hi, I am Mr. Skeleton! Hihihi..."

This is what I saw when I x-ray them ;-)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

My Number Bonds Book

The K2 had learnt Number Bonds topic so I've decided to make Number Bonds Book with them:-)

The making of Number Bonds book!

Mus'ab's book:)

Finished product:-)

Hope they can benefit the book, InshaaAllah:)

Monday, 18 February 2013

At-Tamimi Swimming Club

One of the co-curriculum offered at At-Tamimi International Islamic School is Swimming Club. It is held every Friday afternoon at Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam.

Students lining up before entering Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan

Students are warming up.

Lessons begin.

The coach is giving some instructions.

Nursery Rhyme: Open Shut Them

Nursery Rhyme: BINGO

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock

Sunday, 17 February 2013

The Nose

The nose gives us sense of smell. The nose can identify the pleasant smell or the bad smell. Let us check out the photos of KG2 had fun during the 'Sense of Smell Experiment'!

Items for the experiment.

Survey paper.

Hmm... Nice smell:-)


Oh no!

This sign is for pleasant smelling items:-)

And this sign is for foul smelling items!

Experiment is done! The results have been recorded:-)

Mr Crab???

Alhamdulillah, Week 7 Arts and Crafts project is The Sea Creatures! So I've chosen to make 'Mr Crab' out from the kids palm printings. Want to see how they look like? Let us have a look;-)